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RYA Activate Programme How to get involved

As you can see form the press release below, the RYA are looking to increase participation through the activate programme. As a class association this represents an excellent opportunity to get more Fireballs back on the water. In addition its a good time for the class to share some of the good practice that we already undertake.  

If you are interested in being involved please contact your RYA Regional Development officer. Please also drop an email to [email protected] to let us know so that we know whats happening.  Remember a couple of boats can soon become a fleet! 

To support both individuals and those looking to build fleets, the next issue of Fireball News will be focussing on articles about renovating  boats and developing fleet racing. If you have any contributions however small and insignificant they may seem, please send them in to the Editor Lesley Scarff tel 01273 595253.  Photos and drawings are very useful in this regard, links to website resources etc. Please send your contributions to Lesley as soon possible so she can begin formatting the magazine. 

RYA Press Release:

RYA introduces new Activate Your Fleet programme

The RYA is encouraging sailors to dust off their boat covers and take to the water as part of the new Activate Your Fleet programme.

The aim of the programme is to work with Fleet Captains of sailing clubs across the country to develop new ideas on how they can encourage more sailors in their fleet to get their boats out of the boat park and out onto the water.

Graham Manchester, RYA Strategic Lead Adult Participation explains: “The success of many fleets within clubs is usually down to one key person, a person that has drive and enthusiasm to motivate sailors, and that person is often the Fleet Captain.

“We have produced an online information pack which is aimed at the Fleet or Class Captain, although we hope that the content will also be useful as a guide to clubs wishing to develop this role, and have provided the resources needed to support this.”

As well as information on how to reclaim disused boats, the information pack contains everything you need to get started on ‘activating your fleet’. It includes ten top tips for activating fleets, case studies, a description of the role of Fleet Captain and useful information to inspire fleet captains to develop ideas to encourage sailors of their fleets to be out on the water more often.

“The ‘activators’ are advised to create a plan of action to help enthuse and invigorate their fleet. This could include a series of coaching sessions, weekly fleet racing or simply organising a day to share tips on how to refurbish their unused dinghies. We have provided templates in the information packs to be used a guide for creating a basic ‘activation plan’.” Graham continues.

To help put the plans into action, the RYA will also be offering regional workshops which will give fleet and class captains the chance to get together sharing ideas and tips and discussing fleet development.

The activate your fleet projects follows the success of the joint RYA, LaserPerformance and UKLA initiative ‘Activate Your Laser Fleet’ which continues to see Laser Fleet Captains across the UK coming together to share ideas and ways to get more Lasers out of the boat parks and back on the water.

“There are a huge range of classes spread throughout the boat parks of clubs all over the country and whilst we recognise there are some very successful fleets out there, there are also some boats which have not moved for years” said Robbie Bell, RYA Regional Development Officer for the East, who has been instrumental in setting up the scheme.

“In the build up to 2012 we truly believe that there has never been a better time to enthuse sailors to dust of their boat covers and get back into sailing on a regular basis and we are here to help in achieving that aim.”

If you feel that your Club would benefit from the support offered by the Activate Your Fleet Project, visit or contact your RYA Regional Development Officer, for more information about becoming involved.

Posted: 25/03/2011
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