UK Fireball Class Association

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Training Day - April 11

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Inland National Championship - October 12

0121 428 6850

Buying a new Fireball

New Fireballs can be purchased from a number of builders worldwide. UK Builders are listed below:

The Fireball from Weathermark Sailboats

Weathermark Sailboat's principal Dave Hall will be a name familiar to those sailors that have sat at the back of their Fireball longer than they can remember. Dave sailed Fireballs successfully back in the mid 80s to the late 90s while at Hyde Sails. Since then Dave was at Ovington Boats sailing all sorts of boats and skiffs until the beginning of 2010 when he needed a change and set up Weathermark Sailboats. The Fireball has always been his passion and his enthusiasm was re-ignited after he bought the famous Delange that beat him at the 89 worlds. Dave decided he needed a new boat and after being at Ovi Boats for 12 years would do it himself. This led to conversations with Fireball International who he discovered were keen for another builder to provide more exposure and promotion for the class.

So in 2010 the first boat was built from new moulds and sailed successfully through 2011.The first boat was satisfactory but Dave felt it needed a few modifications so work was started to make a few modifications to the deck and make the hull less tight on measurement. However, in 2012 the opportunity came to purchase the championship winning moulds from Duvoisin Nautique which were then brought to the UK. These high quality moulds are what all future boats will be made from..

The hull whilst being the current 'wide bow' thinking has a slightly more vee'd entry making the boat kinder through the water and as good as a Fireball gets in a chop, The water line length is  maximised and the aft rocker is as flat as the rules permit.

Inside, the forward part of the centreboard case is a low as practical to save those shins, the substantial jib bars go from the front of the case to the side tanks in line with the shrouds forming a rigid frame and negating the need for an extra bulkhead.

The centre board case continues after the thwart onto a flat table to allow owners a free hand in the way they like their controls.

The deck has been made functional as well and atheistically pleasing. The aft tank has the recess for the spinnaker sheets and the coming is designed for function and comfort without looking too imposing. The foredeck comes back just far enough to add extra strength and rigidity to the mast area without fouling the kicker.

Both hull and deck moulds enable the hull and deck to be laminated using the 'Infusion' method which requires a wide flange to attach and seal the vacuum bag. All mouldings are post cured.

For up to date prices and fit out specification contact Dave at;-

E-mail [email protected]  mobile 07802 611599

Or check out the website

Weathermark Fireball Spec Feb 2021

Weathermark Fireball Price List Feb 2021

2021 Weathermark Layout

The Winder Fireball

Multi Championship winning boats. The epoxy foam sandwich hull and deck are vacuum bonded and oven baked. The inner and outer skins of the hull moulding in the bow tank are of Kevlar as standard. The gel coat is polyester for good colour availability and ease of repair. The materials used are the best available and together with our manufacturing process, have been progressively developed and proven in international competition over the past 16 years. The highly engineered mouldings enable us to achieve the brilliant combination of optimum weight distribution, proven very long competitive life, exceptional performance and attractive appearance. Winder Fireballs boats are renowned for holding their value. 

Winder Boats

Winder supply complete boats ready to sale or bare hulls ready for fitting out.
Contact: David Winder
Kensington Street
West Yorkshire
BD21 1PW

Tel: 01535 604980

E-mail [email protected]

Winder Fireball Spec Feb 2021

Winder Fireball Price List Feb 2021

2021 Winder Layout

Pinnell and Bax

Winder hulls fitted out to Pinnell and Bax's championship winning specification. 
Contact: Dave Wade
Heathfield Way
Kings Heath,

Tel: 01604 592808
Fax: 01604 592818
Email: [email protected]



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