UK Fireball Class Association

Join the UKFA


Next Event
Training Day - April 11

Latest Result
Inland National Championship - October 12

0121 428 6850

Fireball Training


Club Training

Does you club have a Fireball fleet, or are there a number of clubs within a small area who can get a group of boats together? If so, we can arrange for a professional coach or experienced Fireball sailor to come to your club and run a training day or weekend. Providing the event is not restricted to just the host club UKFA will assist with the costs of the event.

I'd like to get involved in coaching, how can I help out?

We're always on the lookout for potential new volunteer coaches. If you feel you have something to offer, and are able to give up a few hours of a weekend to help out we'd love you to get involved. You don't need to be a national champion, or even a high flying open meeting competitor. Provided you've done a reasonable amount of club racing, you'll be able to help others improve, and probably also improve your own sailing in the process. As an association, we'll help you develop your coaching skills and for the more committed, help you with obtaining RYA nationally recognised qualifications. Please contact a member of the committee if you're interested.

Useful Sailing Tips


  • You will be able to attend the organised events
  • We work with various suppliers to bring you discounts
  • The UKFA Coordinate fireball opens and organise National and inland champs
  • We Keep you upto date on many media platforms

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UK Fireball Class Association 2022 | Developed & Supported by YorkSoft Ltd