UK Fireball Class Association

Join the UKFA


Next Event
Training Day - April 11

Latest Result
Inland National Championship - October 12

0121 428 6850


Sail Measurement

When you have purchase a new set of sails these will need to be measured by an approved UK Fireball Association Sail Measurer. In exchange for measurement of your sails a small fee will be payable. Sails are stamped and signed.

The following people are currently approved sail measurers:

Boat Measurement

If you buy a brand new Fireball fully fitted out it will normally be supplied measured. If you choose to fit out your boat yourself it will need to be weighed and/or measured by a full measurer (authorised to measure hulls, spars and sails) before a certificate can be issued.

The following people are currently approved full measurers

Measurement at International Events

At European and World Championships full measurement of the boat may take place. This is undertaken by a team of measurers at the event and a 10 minute slot will be allocated.

This may involve:

  1. Weighing the hull - this is done using an extremely accurate electronic balance.
  2. Measurement of hull
  3. Measurement of mast bands
  4. Weighing of mast tip weight
  5. Weighing of rudder
  6. Weighing and checking shape of centreboard
  7. Checking spinnaker pole dimensions



  • You will be able to attend the organised events
  • We work with various suppliers to bring you discounts
  • The UKFA Coordinate fireball opens and organise National and inland champs
  • We Keep you upto date on many media platforms

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UK Fireball Class Association 2022 | Developed & Supported by YorkSoft Ltd