UK Fireball Class Association

Join the UKFA


Next Event
Training Day - April 11

Latest Result
Inland National Championship - October 12

0121 428 6850

Membership information

Are you looking to become a UKFA member?

There are lots of reasons to join the UK Fireball Association - look towards the bottom of this page for why. Joining is is simple! All you need to do is:

Note, there is no fixed renewal date. Instead, subscription renewals are due on the anniversary of a member's last payment date which, for the vast majority, is the date their direct debit was initially established.

  Membership requirements

Full or U26 (if applicable) membership of UKFA is required for both helm and crew for the following events:

* To encourage participation at Golden Dolphin, Spring, Winter and Inland National Championship and training events, there is an exception to the Full Membership requirement for members of the host club (see the Local Membership section).

There is no association membership requirement for entrants competing in open meetings that are not badged 'Golden Dolphin'. Members will receive e-mail reminders of their annual subscription renewal which, for members paying by direct debit, will be collected automatically.

Membership classifications

The association is keen to encourage club sailors and others interested in supporting the Fireball class to become members.  It recognises there are many who have no aspiration to sail at national championship or higher level, but want to support events at their home club.  We therefore offer the following classes of membership:

Full Membership: 

An individual paying a Full Membership subscription is entitled to compete at National, Inland National, European and World Championships, and Golden Dolphin Open Meetings. They are also entitled to attend UKFA organised training events.

If the Full Member is a boat owner, they will receive a Fireball International boat sticker and counterpart. The counterpart should be stuck to the boat's measurement certificate in the space provided and the round sticker stuck to the forward face of the aft tank.  If these actions are not undertaken the boat is not a fully-compliant Fireball and is merely a 16' 2" scow!

U26 Membership:

An individual aged 25 or under at the date of application has the same entitlements as a Full Member.  Note it is incumbent upon an U26 Member to advise the association's Treasurer when they have reached the age requiring Full Membership to be taken.

Local Membership:

 This form of membership serves two purposes:

** Host clubs are required to ensure that for a boat where both helm and crew are members of their club, at least one of the competitors holds a minimum of Local Membership. If only one of the boat's crew is a host club member, they must hold a minimum of Local Membership and the other crew member must be a Full or U26 Member of UKFA. 

Please note, Local Membership is not valid for any events away from your home club. Local Members to will not receive a Fireball International boat sticker.

Membership rates

Please note that if you wish to change membership category, a fresh direct debit will require to be set up.  Before doing so, please e-mail the Treasurer, Ian Castle (see below for e-mail address), with your details so he can cancel the old direct debit before you set up its replacement.  This is simply to avoid the possibility of old and new membership fees both being collected at different times.

 Membership Fee Payment

We encourage members to pay by direct debit since it is economic for the Association and ensures members renewal subscriptions are automatically collected.  The association uses 'Go Cardless' as it is a very quick and easy process for members to set up an initial debit taking no more than a minute or so.  Since its introduction in 2017 the vast majority of members have switched their payment method to Go Cardless; it has proved reliable and trouble-free.  

The Association is also happy to accept payment by bank transfer. Cheques are still accepted but they are costly to process and we are keen to minimise their numbers. 

The association does not accept payment by standing order as experience has shown that standing orders are often not altered when subscription rate changes are implemented causing a good deal of needless administrative work.


NEW MEMBERS PLEASE REMEMBER TO COMPLETE THE Online Membership form as well as the direct debit to ensure we have your details for communications.


 Fireball measurement certificate

Is your Fireball's certificate still in the previous owner's name?  It is good practice to ensure your measurement certificate is kept up to date but if you intend to compete at the National Championship, or at an International Championship, you will need to ensure the certificate is in the legal owner's name. 

To obtain a fresh certificate, simply send it to Ian Castle at the address below with a note of your own name and address. The fee for a new certificate is £15 which can be paid by bank transfer - please contact Ian for the account number - or by cheque (again, though, we'd prefer bank transfer).

Membership Secretary

Ian Castle, 5 Naseby Road, Sibbertoft, Market Harborough, Leics, LE16 9UG

01858 880763 (Home)

07545 257639 (Mobile)

[email protected]

Why join the UK Fireball Association?

The Fireball is known throughout the dinghy world as a class that enjoys great competition as well as a  fantastic and friendly social life. The class association is here to further the interests of the Fireball class. Each year the class association:

The UKFA Committee's work in more detail:



  • You will be able to attend the organised events
  • We work with various suppliers to bring you discounts
  • The UKFA Coordinate fireball opens and organise National and inland champs
  • We Keep you upto date on many media platforms

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UK Fireball Class Association 2022 | Developed & Supported by YorkSoft Ltd