UK Fireball Class Association

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UKGlobal Fleet Insurance Scheme – no premium increases for 2020 renewal premiums!!

UKGlobal is delighted to announce that the changes introduced to the UK Fireball insurance scheme in 2019 have resulted in a more viable account for Insurers.  As a result, insurer MS Amlin have agreed not to increase premium rates for the 2020 renewal.  So, unless there have been any changes to your boat or your No Claims Discount, your premium will be the same as last year.   

The cover under the policy will remain as per the existing policy wording, which includes valuable covers such as “new for old” on sails, covers, masts, spars and rigging, and no Hitchlock and Clamping Condition.

For those of you who have yet to take advantage of the UK Fireball insurance scheme, a 10% discount applies for new customers, subject to having sailed a Fireball in the last 12 months without making an insurance claim.

The UK Fireball insurance scheme also offers generous discounts for those who have more than one boat as the scheme can cover boats other than your Fireball. 

Not only does the UK Fireball insurance scheme provide comprehensive cover to our members, a dedicated service for both policy enquiries and claims handling, UKGlobal facilitate valuable sponsorship for the Association and at the National Championships each year.  

UKGlobal have used their experience with UK Flying Fifteen Association class insurance scheme to build a similar model for the Fireball Class.  The intention is to both develop the UK Fireball scheme and to offer this class insurance scheme model to other classes who may be interested in reaping the benefits of tailor-made cover, competitive premiums, dedicated customer service and Class sponsorship opportunities.


UKGlobal Risk Solutions Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (reference number 460003). UKGlobal is a trading name of UKGlobal Risk Solutions Limited. MS Amlin Underwriting Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (reference number 312292).

More details can be found here:

Posted: 05/02/2020 16:30:24
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  • You will be able to attend the organised events
  • We work with various suppliers to bring you discounts
  • The UKFA Coordinate fireball opens and organise National and inland champs
  • We Keep you upto date on many media platforms

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