Just to let you know that the twenty first annual Starcross Steamer Pursuit race for monohull dinghies will be held on Sunday 20th January 2013. The first start will be at 11am, with a 150 minute race, high water is at 12:02.
The Exe estuary is sheltered and only extreme weather conditions prevent us from sailing. You can be sure of a warm welcome at the club, food and drink will be available all day, so why not bring the family.
Entries must be made via the club website - click the Opens menu and select the Starcross Steamer Pursuit Race Event Details. Due to the popularity of the event we are limiting the number of entries to 110. Should you enter and subsequently find that you are unable to attend we would appreciate letting us know so that your entry can be given to the next person on the waiting list.
The entry fee of £10 is payable at the Club on the day. The Sailing Instructions, Notice of Race, Handicap Numbers and Consent Forms are also available on the club website. Your start time will be calculated on the day when we know the handicap of the slowest boat.
As the club is in a remote location, the entrance gate is kept locked, however should you wish to drop your boat off at the club the day before the event or even camp overnight (bearing in mind the main London-Plymouth railway line runs past the club), the Commodore who lives only a few miles from the club will be available to let you in. His phone numbers are; mobile 07837 129087 or home 01626 890496. Also please note the entrance to the club is through a low bridge, so vehicles over about 1.55m such as 4x4s and people carriers will have to be parked outside in the lay-by (there is plenty of room).
Over the last twelve months we have conducted our own internal PY analysis, reviewing some 8000 race results over almost four years. We have found that our results are a close fit to the SailJuice numbers, so we will be using these rather than the RYA numbers this year. I must point out that the Starcross Steamer is not part of the SailJuice series, just that we are using the same numbers. A list of these numbers is also available on the club website.
Should you be unable to make it in January, the next Steamer will be held on Sunday 23rd February 2014, the first start will be at 11am and you will be most welcome. So make a note in your diary now.
We do hope you can come along in January; we look forward to seeing you.