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   General / Missing trophies - can you help?!
A plea to Fireball sailors past and present - Some of our trophies are missing!

We’d love to have them back. They are hard fought over and mean a lot to those who win them. The pain and sadness of watching disappointed faces of those eagerly awaiting their big moment for winning a prestigious race or event is sometimes hard to bear when there is nothing to present.

The UK Association is currently missing the following trophies:

· The Golden Dolphin (a wooden dolphin mounted on a wooden base)

· The Anya Charlotte Trophy (we believe this went missing after Pentewan in 2011)

· The Rondar Trophy (can anyone even remember what this looks like?)

If you have won one of these in the past, please check the back of the cupboard, under the stairs, the box in the corner of the garage, etc. If you know you gave it back, can you remember who you gave it to? Even if you just have a photograph of the trophy, please let us know as it may help track it down. Please pass on any information about the trophies to [email protected] even if it’s many years out of date. This could help us track them down. Your anonymity is assured!

On a related note, the trophy for top placed lady helm in the World Championships has been missing since 2014. It was returned to the UK before container loading by the 2013 winner, Eva. Unfortunately it didn’t make it to Thailand. If anyone knows of its whereabouts, please let the UK committee know on the above email and we’ll pass the information on to Fireball International.

Finally, we are conscious there are Fireball trophies out there that we don’t have recorded. For instance, whatever happened to all the regional championship trophies?! If you have, or know the whereabouts of, a ‘permanent’ trophy from way back when we’d like to have it back, please!

Many thanks!

Posted: 11/10/2017 18:20:04
By: Chris


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