UK Fireball Class Association

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Next Event
GWSC Joint Class Open - April 27

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2024 World Championships - Geelong, AUSTRALIA - February 5

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News / Members under the age of 26 - it's all change!

It has been decided that henceforth an 'Under 26' nomenclature will be adopted for all aspects of the association's activities hitherto referred to as 'youth' or 'junior'. The more eagle-eyed of you will already have noticed amendments made to the UKFA website and to the 2019 Nationals NOR!
In practice this means that:
* Younger members opting for Full membership (as distinct from 'Local') will benefit from the £20 subscription rate until they reach the age of 26 instead of 21 as present
* Discounted Nationals entry fees will apply to those who are under the age of 26 for the entire event
* The Nationals trophies currently awarded to first under 21 helm and first under 21 crew will now be extended to those under the age of 26
* The 'UK Fireball Youth!' Facebook page has been renamed 'Fireball U26'
It is hoped that adopting a single age-related criterion will negate periodic confusion that has been evident over the years.
Finally, saving the best to last, we are looking to institute an annual 'Under 26 Championship' with the inaugural event to be held in late 2019. Discussions are already well advanced with a host club and further details will be announced in the not too distant future!
On a point of administration, those members currently paying the full £30 subscription but who are now eligible to pay just £20 p.a. should cancel their existing direct debit authority and, when their subscription renewal is due, enter into a fresh 'Under 26' authority via the UKFA website. Please remember to let Ian Castle know when you are doing this though!
Photo: Dan Johnson & Ben Lathan at one of the 2018-19 Sailjuice Winter Series events.
Photo credit : Tim Olin


  • You will be able to attend the organised events
  • We work with various suppliers to bring you discounts
  • The UKFA Coordinate fireball opens and organise National and inland champs
  • We Keep you upto date on many media platforms

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UK Fireball Class Association 2022 | Developed & Supported by YorkSoft Ltd