UK Fireball Class Association

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News / Blowing dogs off chains

Despite attempts to start the second day of racing of Fireball International Week (incorporating the 46th Australian Championships), the fleet of 63 boats were sent home due to excessive wind and a disturbed sea state.

Three races were scheduled to be held today to make up for a lost race yesterday due to lack of wind but the thunderstorm, that never really materialised yesterday, left an aftermath of confused seas and a 20 – 25 knot offshore breeze with gusts of 30 knots.

Locals from hosts, Mandurah Offshore Fishing and Sailing Club were keen to express that “It’s not normally like this” and “We are having a very strange summer this year”.

At least the bar takings were up from a bunch of thirsty Fireball sailors licking their wounds from a number of minor breakages.

Racing is due to resume tomorrow, (Saturday 31 December) with a warning signal at 11.00 hrs local time.

The current forecast for Saturday 31st December is for 13 – 20 knots.

For full results visit
Fireball Worlds-Mandurah on Facebook



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