UK Fireball Class Association

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News / Entry list now full for Steve Nicholson Trophy

The Entry list for the Steve Nicholson Trophy is now full! If you want to join in but didn't enter in time please visit the Northampton SC website and if anybody drops out spaces will become available.

Please do not turn up on the day without an entry!

150 boats have pre entered the event which raises money for Asthma Research.

It looks to be a really competitive fleet with loads of National Champions in attendance!

The 505’s of Jim hunt and the Short Brothers will be fastest boats in the conventional double handers fleet, but will they use their clear air advantage well enough to beat the pursuing pack of Fireballs which will include Sam Mettam (first non-foiling boat at the Bloody Mary) or the hot Merlin Fleet which includes two former National Champions and Nick Craig (YJA yachtsman of the year)?

The Phantom fleet will do their best to beat their Great Lakes Handicap in the single handed fleet, where you will expect to see Andy Couch pushing hard to beat the local experts, or if it is breezy RS600 champion Anthony York, who has plenty of local knowledge might shine through.

This event has been organised in aid of Asthma UK. A charity which is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of the 5.4 million people in the UK whose lives are affected by asthma.



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